Are Japanese perverts #1
"Ame Nochi P Shimasho (Let's do P after the rain!)"
by Ike Ike Girls
NO, you do not read like Ike of Ike and Tina Turner.
It is more like Ekay Ekay Girls.
"Ike Ike" was the popular term in the early '90s,
which means literary "Go Go"
and could be a noun or an adjective describing
girls who loved to play around with dresses of revealing body lines.
"Ame Nochi P Shimasho"
I am so wet because of rain
But I cannot sleep because of you
You are the kind of guy who does not move quickly
In your arm, I have to sigh again
Girl's mind depends on weather
That kind of kiss just does not do me
Let's do P after the rain
Let's do it passionately
If it turns out to be a fine weather
Please love me more like sending to paradice
Let's do P after the rain
Let's do it until we lose control
Hold me like a burning flame
Because I love him more than before
I wanna feel it like crazy more than before
After I get a very nice tan
Though it might be painful
I want you to hold me tighter
The uncertain rainy cloud started to move
I just can't wait, I am about to explode
Let's do P after the rain
It's about a time to do it
With my burning skin, I am swayed to paradice
Let's do P after the rain
Let's do more & more
Hold me till I melt away
Let's do P after the rain
Let's do it PPPPPPPP
If it turns out to be a fine weather
Love me more like sending me to paradice
Let's do P after the rain
Let's do it till we lose control
Hold me like a burning flame
This P means of course, SEX,
and tha rain is the metaphor of, hmmmm, not sure.
But It is totally a sex song.
They are pretty girls but what a hell are they wearing?
Those bottoms looks like diapers, don't they?
And at that time, so many girls like them on TV.
"Stand UP" by T-Backs
T-Back is a thong.
Japanese call a thong "T-back"
because it look like T
when you look at someone wearing it from behind.
And this clip is from the show on morning hour.
Can you immagine to see something like this on "Good Morning Ameica"?

It is an interesting fact that
even when I was a young kid in early '70s, we could see
woman's bare boobs on a prime time TV show in Japan.
That show was called "Jikan desyo(It's time)" and
it was about a family who ran a Sento
(Japanese style public bath house)
and almost everytime, they showed boobs in a female undressing room.
My mother complained about that but she did not change the channel
because she knew everybody enjoying the show.
Something like this simply cannot happen in U.S. even in this day.
But in Japan, showing genitals in any media
is still strictly, well probably not so much, prohibited by law.
I still remember my teacher said not to watch
Sally Field's "Flying Nun" because it was on the air
after 10:00PM in the area I lived
So I did not watch it as a model kid.
But still I could watch this bare boob show
and teachers did not say anything about it.
And one other thing I remember is that
every summer there was a TV special that
many young stars gathered and did swimming competitions.
And the during the show, every time without a fail,
some girl's bikini top fell down accidentally,
well that's what they said, bare boobs were exposed
and always they were caught by a TV camera clearly.
Those were prime time shows with many celebrities
who were adored by kids.
To be continues
2 件のコメント:
コんにちは, Blueさん。
Hello Blue, I followed your blog from Japan Probe, where you'd commented about the McDonald's commercial.
Anyways, it was good to hear input from a native Japanese, particularly one living in a Western society where I'm sure you've experienced bias and prejudice as well.
I am sorry to hear you're struggling with work; I empathize, since I'm in a similar situation. I hope you're able to find something soon!
Thanks, ケン。
If you are interested,
most of entries of this blog are about my expereinces as an Asian who speaks English with accent living here in U.S.
I also published two books about that subject.
This summer, I am writing my third one.
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